
原名:Joe Versus the Volcano   又名:跳火山的人(台) / 火山代表我的心

状态:正片   更新:2024-02-05 11:02:48

一直以来,乔(汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)都是一个在工作上勤勤恳恳的合格职员,不幸的是,好运并没有因为乔的恪尽职守而对他亲睐有加,恰恰相反,医生告诉乔,他患了不治之症,只剩下几个月的寿命了。   心灰意冷的乔决定对一直以来暗恋的女同事表白,没想到却被拒绝,就在这时,一个神秘的富商出现在了乔的面前。富商告诉乔,如果乔愿意在特定之日跳进一座位于岛上的火山中,他就能够得到大笔金钱,时日无多的乔答应了这笔交易。在前往小岛的途中,乔认识了富商的女儿派翠西亚(梅格·瑞恩 Meg Ryan 饰),两人在波折中产生了真挚的感情,为了能够和乔在一起,派翠西亚甚至愿意同他一起跳入火山口里。Joe versus the Volcano is a fable which opens with somewhat surrealistic scenes of the dehumanization of Joe Bank's job and work environment (at a company whose product rather literally screws people) with imagery that seems to have been inspired by the classic film Metropolis. Joe is diagnosed with an incurable disease, quits his dehumanizing job, and accepts an offer to briefly "live like a king, die like a man" - but to fulfill his agreement he must willingly jump into a live volcano on the island of Waponi Woo in order to appease the volcano god. En route to the island, Joe meets a series of interesting characters in NYC and LA, then boards a yacht, captained by Patricia Graynamore. During the voyage Joe and Patricia survive disaster, fall in love, and finally arrive at the island where they face their destiny.
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