
原名:The New Guy   又名:高校小生 / 高校疯神榜 / 新来的家伙

状态:超清   更新:2023-09-07 01:09:37

哈迪逊(DJ·考尔斯 DJ Qualls 饰)是一个众人眼中的讨厌鬼,即便很快就要迎来高中生活,但这一状况却从未有过改变。从小到大都在嘲笑和欺压中长大的哈迪逊终于忍耐到了极限,他彻底随着性子大闹了一回,却也因此经历了牢狱之灾。   在狱中,哈迪逊结识了名叫路德(艾迪·格里芬 Eddie Griffin 饰)的男人,路德是一个经验丰富的过来人,正是他教会了哈迪逊许多做人的技巧和道理。出狱后的哈迪逊决定改名换姓重新做人,果不其然,利用路德教他的方法,哈迪逊很快便得到了周遭同伴的喜爱和信任。悲惨的生活眼看就要成为过去,就在这个关键时刻,一个旧日校友的出现令哈迪逊陷入了谎言被揭穿的危机。Dizzy Harrison is an unpopular, high school geek going through a hellish senior year. In an attempt to make a new identity for himself, Dizzy gets himself expelled from his high school, learns the technics of being cool from a prison inmate, and enrolls at a new high school under the alias Gil Harris, to make new friends where he soon gains respect from the jocks and geeks alike. Dizzy then gets noticed by the head cheerleader, Danielle, and helps the school football team gain self-respect to win games. But things unknowingly begin to turn sour when Danielle's disgruntled boyfriend begins investigating into "Gil Harris'" past to uncover any dirt on him.
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