
喜剧  美国   1980  英语 

原名:The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu   又名:

状态:137播放   更新:2023-09-03 02:09:21

在傅满洲168岁生日宴会上,一个倒霉的仆人不小心把他的长生不老药洒光了。傅满洲派他的夫人去寻找重新制作药的配方。行动从盗取在华盛顿的苏联展上盗取“列宁格勒之星”钻石开始。联邦调查局派Capone和Williams特工到英格兰与傅满洲研究专家Nayland合作。Nayland怀疑傅满洲会绑架乔治五世国王和王后,并勒索他们用钻石作为赎金。傅满洲绑架了王后,但其实“王后”是伦敦警察厅的Alice警员扮的替身。而Alice却对傅满洲一见倾心,决定帮助他一起勒索乔治五世钻石。Fu Manchu's 168th birthday celebration is dampened when a hapless flunky spills Fu's age-regressing elixir vitae. Fu sends his lackeys to round up ingredients for a new batch of elixir, starting with the Star of Leningrad diamond, nabbed from a Soviet exhibition in Washington. The FBI sends agents Capone and Williams to England to confer with Nayland Smith, an expert on Fu. Nayland suspects Fu will kidnap the king and queen and demand the George V diamond as ransom. Scotland Yard recruits Alice Rage to stand-in for the queen. Fu nabs the "fake" queen; Rage becomes enamored of Fu and aids him in his quest for the George V diamond.
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