
原名:Первый учитель   又名:Pervyj uchitel / The First Teacher

状态:162播放   更新:2023-09-03 10:09:31

远赴吉尔吉斯拍摄,改编艾特马托夫同名中篇小说。影片讲述俄国十月革命结束不久,杜申退役后被派到偏远村庄当老师。但他所信仰的社会主义不被村民接受,他们拒绝让孩子接受教育,甚至趁着杜申进城的时候,将羊群赶进学校。阿蒂奈是一名孤儿,被阿姨领养,对学习有着强烈欲望,并在学习过程中喜欢上杜申了。阿姨却将她强行许配给当地一位很有的势力的酋长。安德烈·康查罗夫斯基曾担任塔科夫斯基的编剧,近年凭借《邮差的白夜》和《战争天堂》两次获得威尼斯电影节最佳导演银狮奖,这部处女作已入选威尼斯电影节的主竞赛单元,并获得最佳女演员奖。Soviet Union, near the Chinese border, 1923. A stranger has just come in this little country village. He is a teacher, sent by the Communist Party to teach the ignorant masses. But the countrymen are to help him, and even to let their children go and "sleep" at school instead of giving a hand. There is only, Altynai, an orphan, to seem fascinated by the teacher and his knowledge.
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