
原名:Camp Nowhere   又名:小鬼夏令营

状态:高清   更新:2023-09-03 01:09:26

很多家长花钱让子女到夏令营,企图让他们可以学到一点什么,但孩子们却往往什么都不想学,只想拥有一个让他们嬉戏的自由天地。强纳森.普莱斯导演的这部青少年喜剧,就描写一群假意按父母心意参加夏令营的孩子,在高中的戏剧老师维渥克的协助下组成了一个按他们的游戏规则来活动的夏令营,大家都玩得很开心。其中一男孩玩烟火受伤去看医生,被医生发现真相,原打算去报警,但被维渥克和孩子乞求下打消此意。但是父母们却热切期盼营区的父母日开放让他们去探望子女。维渥克想推托,但父母们还是自行上门,终于发现了整个大秘密。全片拍得相当轻松热闹,主题也有建设性,可让家长们省思。Morris "Mud" Himmel has a problem. His parents desperately want to send him away to summer camp. He hates going to summer camp, and would do anything to get out of it. Talking to his friends, he realises that they are all facing the same sentence: a boring summer camp. Together with his friends, he hatches a plan to trick all the parents into sending them to a camp of his own design, which would actually be a parent-free paradise. Blackmailing former drama teacher Dennis Van Welker into helping, they must convince the parents that the camp is genuine, and that they aren't allowed to visit...
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