
原名:The Air Up There   又名:入樽王

状态:625播放   更新:2023-09-07 12:09:23

凯文·培根饰演美国大学篮球队的助理教练,偶然在纪录片中发现了一名非洲的灌篮好手,于是飞到当地去想拉拢他加盟,不料他竟是土著的王子,父王坚持不让儿子去美国打篮球。此时,温亚比国正处内忧外患,另一族的不肖分子窥温亚比的丰富矿藏而捣乱。双方决定以一场篮球赛定输赢,贝肯只好使出浑身解数帮助温亚比打赢这场球。Jimmy Dolan is a college basketball coach who wants a big promotion. To get it, he needs to make a dramatic find. He ends up deep in Africa, hoping to recruit Saleh, a huge basketball prodigy Jimmy glimpsed in a home movie. But Saleh is the chief's son and has responsibilities at home, since the tribe's land is threatened by a mining company with its own hotshot basketball team.
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