
原名:Greyfriars Bobby   又名:忠狗巴比传奇

状态:305播放   更新:2023-09-03 05:09:04

鲍比是一只可爱的苏格兰猎犬,和主人老乔克(Alex Mackenzie 饰)过着相依为命的生活。虽然老乔克自己的日子也过得紧紧巴巴,但他从未亏待过鲍比,十分珍惜这生命里唯一的伴侣。然而不幸的是,老乔克突发肺炎去世了,鲍比遭受了巨大的打击,逗留在主人的墓碑前久久不愿离去。   崔尔先生(劳伦斯·奈史密斯 Laurence Naismith)对鲍比的忠诚赞赏有加,想要收留它,但鲍比不愿意跟崔尔先生走,还是倔强的为主人守墓,就连墓地的管理员布朗太太(凯·沃尔什 Kay Walsh 饰)都拿它毫无办法。照理来说,墓地是不允许宠物入内的,所以鲍比的存在引起了铁石心肠的警卫的注意,他不仅想把鲍比驱逐出去,还想要借此向布朗太太索要一大笔罚款。Scotland, 1865. An old shepherd and his little Skye Terrier Bobby go to Edinburgh. But when the shepherd dies of pneumonia, the dog remains faithful to his master, refuses to be adopted by anyone, and takes to sleeping on his master's grave in the Greyfriars Kirkyard, despite a caretaker with a "no dogs" rule. And when Bobby is taken up for being unlicensed, it's up to the children of Edinburgh and the Lord Provost to decide what's to be done.
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