
原名:Irma Vep   又名:伊尔玛.薇普 / 女飞贼再现江湖(港) / 迷离劫(台)

状态:正片   更新:2024-02-05 11:02:59

法国导演维达尔想重拍一部默片时代的吸血鬼影片。看过香港电影《东方三侠》后决定启用其中的女主演张曼玉。张到法国后只能用英语与周遭的人沟通,所以拍摄过程很不顺利。这其间,大家都在议论张与服装师的异常关系,制片人也开始怀疑导演维达尔的能力和动机。有一天,导演在看完刚拍完的镜头后突然出现精神不正常的状况,制片人终于要决心撤换导演和女主演......《伊》片以戏中戏的形式展开,以虚实结合的手法表现一部影片在拍摄过程中台前幕后的种种状况,探讨人与艺术,即现实与梦幻扑朔迷离的联系。French filmmaker René Vidal was once a renowned director, but most see his career on a quick downward slide based on his last several films. In Paris, he is just starting to film his latest movie, a remake of Les vampires (1915), and has hired Hong Kong based Chinese actress Maggie Cheung as the title lead, "Irma Vep" (an anagram for "vampire"), despite she knowing no French and she not being an obvious choice to most. Maggie has never worked with Vidal before and knows little about his movies, but many of his primarily French crew are part of his regular stable. As such, Maggie may become isolated among the cast and crew, unless there are those who bring her into their English conversations, they who may have somewhat ulterior motives in doing so. There are also factions within the cast and crew, who, based on their history, have a poisoned sense of what is going on. With Vidal, he is dealing with some personal issues while he tries to regain his film making form. He may transfer his thoughts of Irma Vep to Maggie, who he hired because he too sees her as strong and sexy like the skin-tight latex clad Irma. And Maggie may take her research for the comic bookish character to an extreme.
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