
原名:Day of the Dead   又名:丧尸出笼 / 生人末日 / George A. Romero's Day of the Dead

状态:HD720P中字   更新:2023-12-06 10:12:50

僵尸侵染的范围持续扩大之余,人类也加紧进行针对性研究。研究员莎拉(Lori Cardille 饰)和直升机驾驶员约翰等人空降到矿道改建的地下研究中心,罗根医生在这里研究僵尸习性,并得到了一些初步成果。负责中心安全与捕捉僵尸的军人们对暗无天日的地下生活早已厌倦,每天面对同袍死去、消息隔绝、研究进展缓慢让他们暴躁易怒,并在长官罗德(Joseph Pilato 饰)带领下公然反抗项目负责人。精神濒临崩溃的士兵米格尔因僵尸啮咬失去一臂,同时军人与研究人员的矛盾全面爆发,罗德凶相毕露,将莎拉等人赶入满布僵尸的坑道,米格尔则将僵尸放入中心,失控的局势中,莎拉等人全力求生……   本片获1985年加泰罗尼亚国际电影节最佳女演员奖。Zombies rule the world, except for a small group of scientists and military personnel who reside in an underground bunker in Florida. The scientists are using the undead in gruesome experiments; much to the chagrin of the military. Finally the military finds that their men have been used in the scientists' experiments, and banish the scientists to the caves that house the Living Dead. Unfortunately, the zombies from above ground have made their way into the bunker.
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