
原名:那年初夏   又名:The Early Summer

状态:HD   更新:2024-02-05 12:02:33

七十年代末,小弟(顾杨)一家因父亲工作调动,从外地搬迁而来,热心的邻家男孩少勇帮着顾家搬家具,却因摔坏东西招得军军的白眼,少勇却因此喜欢上了这个个性十足的邻家女孩,并以接触小弟为突破口接近军军。   军军在三个孩子中最不得宠,尝尝受到不公待遇。因此能穿上漂亮的红色泳衣去小城河里游泳是军军的梦想,少勇发誓一定要买件泳衣实现军军的梦想。   小弟发现了少勇与二姐的合影,因为一次与二姐的口角,小弟将照片曝光在众目睽睽之下,为了捍卫女儿的名声,小弟妈错误地将事情演变成了一场轩然大波,而少勇为了保护心爱的女孩,独自承担了一切罪名……A touching and tragic story of innocent love. During the socially conservative late 1970's, warmhearted Shaoyong is smitten by Junjun , the middle daughter of a family that had just moved to the neighborhood. Junjun's siblings always seems to get preferential treatment from their parents, thus Shaoyong's attention is welcomed. When an innocent photograph of Junjun taken by Xiaoyong surfaces the photograph causes scandal as it was considered inappropriate for members of the opposite sex to be alone, Shaoyong chooses to preserves her honor at a great personal cost to himself.
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