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讲述男孩亚当被诊断患有精神分裂症,他去到一所新学校就读,开始服用新药,一开始效果看起来很不错,不过很快真相大白,他被迫做出一些艰难的决定。罗素饰演亚当的梦中情人玛雅,罗伯饰演丽贝卡,是亚当幻觉中的主要角色,作为他不能表达的情绪的管道。Nick Naveda编写剧本,基于Julia Walton所著同名小说,Mickey Liddell&Pete Shilaimon(《第一夫人》《类人猿行动》)制片。The story of witty and introspective Adam (Charlie Plummer), who appears to be your typical young adult - a little unkempt with raging hormones and excited about a future pursuing his dream of becoming a chef. Expelled halfway through his senior year following an incident in chemistry class, Adam is diagnosed with a mental illness. Sent to a Catholic academy to finish out his term, Adam has little hope of fitting in and just wants to keep his illness secret until he can enroll in culinary school. But when he meets outspoken and fiercely intelligent Maya (Taylor Russell), there is an instant soulful and comforting connection. As their romance deepens, she inspires him to open his heart and not be defined by his condition. Now, with the love and support of his girlfriend and family, Adam is hopeful for the very first time that he can see the light and triumph over the challenges that lie ahead.





