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原名:六畳間の侵略者!?   又名:

状态:12集全   更新:2024-01-21 04:01:03

里见孝太郎(中村悠一 配音)是一位看似再普通不过的高中生,居住在房租极为廉价的可乐娜庄公寓106号房间,过着平静的生活。令孝太郎再也没有想到的是,在某一天,他波澜不惊的生活会因为一位少女的出现而彻底遭到改变。   少女名叫东本愿早苗(铃木惠理 配音),她的真实身份竟然是寄宿在106号房间的幽灵,在企图吓跑孝太郎的计划失败后,早苗开始渐渐习惯起了和孝太郎“同居”的生活。想和孝太郎争夺房间的可不止早苗一个,身材火爆的古文明末裔仓野奇莉华(田泽茉纯 配音)、不期而至的魔法少女虹野由莉佳(大森日雅 配音)、从外太空远道而来的皇女提亚蜜思林(长绳麻理亚 配音),这些接二连三出现的美少女们,每一个人都将106号房间作为了侵略的目标。为了保护自己赖以生存的廉价租房,孝太郎的“战争”开始了。After his father is transferred away for work, Koutarou must find a cheap place to live by himself while attending high school. He thinks that he's found just the place: Room 106 at Corona House. It's a small apartment, but it's only 5,000 yen a month rent, which is an impossibly cheap price. Add in the fact that he has a beautiful landlady and he thinks that he has it made, at least until he starts to get some unexpected visitors. One night Koutarou is visited by various girls, including a ghost named Sanae, a magical girl named Yurika, a girl who lives underground named Kiriha, and a princess from outer space named Theiamillis. All four of them claim that they need to have his apartment for their own reasons and thus need him to leave immediately. But he's not willing to give up his cheap apartment without a fight. Before things can get too out of control, the landlady forces everyone to sign an agreement which states that they will all figure out who gets the apartment in a ...



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