泳池、美女,香车、游艇,烈酒、派对,似乎永远也花不完的钱……“最富有百分之一”的奢华生活,纸醉金迷背后的茫然无措,乃至阴险黑暗的内幕,正是《富贵病》的主题。出身中产的年轻摄影师,到“富二代”表妹的长岛别墅度过夏日假期。他用相机记录下纵情狂欢的青春脸庞,一切都很美,直到经济危机不期而至……Suburbia, 2008. Swept up in a heady pre-recession world of absentee parents, plentiful booze and casual sex, aspiring photographer Fisher Miller escapes his middle-class life for the moneyed mansions of the young, beautiful elite. With a stash of high-quality weed and a vintage camera, he gains access to his gorgeous cousin Kate's circle of wealthy and indulged friends, just as their entitled reality is about to spin out of control. A revealing take on the hidden perils of privilege.
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