朱丽叶和罗密欧相识于派对,很快两人坠入爱河。后来朱丽叶生下了儿子亚当,可随着儿子逐渐长大,朱丽叶和罗密欧发现亚当经常呕吐且始终学不会走路。去医院检查后才发现原来亚当长了巨大的脑瘤。于是朱丽叶和罗密欧两人携手向命运和死亡宣战,而爱情是他们唯一的武器。Roméo and Juliette are two young actors. They fall in love at first sight, move in together and make a baby. A love story and the founding of a home like millions of others. Except that their little boy, Adam, behaves abnormally. The young parents try hard to persuade themselves that everything is okay but, with the passing of time, they cannot delude themselves anymore : their son has a problem. Their fears are unfortunately confirmed : Adam suffers from a malignant brain tumor. From now on, war is declared. A war against illness. A war against Death. A war against despair.
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