
原名:Oslo, 31. august   又名:八月三十一日,我在奥斯陆(台) / 奥斯陆,八月末尾 / 八月末的奥斯陆 / 奥斯陆,八月未央 / Oslo, August 31st

状态:HD   更新:2024-02-10 11:02:52

安德斯(安德斯·丹尼尔森·李 Anders Danielsen Lie 饰)即将从戒毒所完成自己的戒毒计划,戒毒所在乡下,所以安德斯已经被憋坏了。作为戒毒计划的一部分,安德斯可以从戒毒所里出来,来到城市里,为一份新工作面试。但是安德斯并没有按照计划去工厂面试,而是呆在城市里游手好闲地到处乱逛。他贪婪地盯着大街上的人,因为他已经很久没有见到 人了。   时间渐渐地流逝,进入到了午夜,八月也即将过去。那些往昔如影随形的记忆再一次侵袭上安德斯的心头,让他既痛苦又无奈。可能,伴随着黎明的到来,奥斯陆的八月的结束,新的生活也会随之前来。   本片入围2011戛纳电影节的“一种关注”单元。Anders is a recovering drug addict in an Oslo rehab clinic. On 30 August, he is given a day's leave to attend a job interview in the city center. After visiting his friend Thomas, he proceeds to his appointment. In the interview, he admits to being a drug addict and storms out. He then wanders the streets of Oslo for the rest of the day and night, meeting, and sometimes confronting, people from his past. The film ends the next day, 31 August. Focusing on the decisions Anders has made with his time off.
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