
原名:След края на света   又名:世界的尽头 / 身后的世界 / After the End of the World / Sled kraja na sveta

状态:19播放   更新:2023-09-03 10:09:20

旅居以色列多年的柯汉教授回到儿时的故乡——保加利亚的小城普罗夫迪夫。在这里,多年未见的故人和儿时的恋人,拉开了他回忆的闸门。本片通过柯汉教授的个人经历,触及了保加利亚社会主义时期的诸多弊端:农业合作社的失败、政治斗争的激化和宗教民族矛盾。此片将会令中国观众忆起文革之殇,有种伤感的亲切。而经历了苏联解体的保加利亚,正处在社会转型的动荡时期。政府腐败,投机者横行。为守护儿时的美好,柯汉教授与他们展开了斗争。This is a funny and woeful story, resembling an old Jewish anecdote, aiming to wrap a comical framework around the dark side of life. At the time, the poorest neighborhood of Plovdiv (an ancient town in Bulgaria) represented a unique European recess, a realm of perfect ethnic harmony among Bulgarians, Armenians, Turks, Jews, Gypsies and Greeks. A priest, a rabbi and a hodjah and an Antichrist nicknamed the Boozer are smitten with the same full-bosomed Turkish woman. Along with their rivalry, squabbles and good fellowship a Jewish boy and an Armenian girl fall in love for the first time. The political winds of the era will blow away the idyll separating the 12-year-old lovers. After many years, the Jew and the Armenian woman meet again in a different world.
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