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状态:39集全   更新:2023-09-03 08:09:58

主角建次与自己的父亲原本生活在史前时代生活,后来遇到了补捉时空怪兽的邪恶女王一行人与时空怪兽爱爱,后与跟父亲被邪恶女王变成化石流传到25世纪的日本,被双胞胎姊弟小柔与阿时发现,之后被时空王国的国王变回原形,奉时空管理局之命,抓回因为时空王国被攻击而流落到各个时空的时空怪兽。It is the 25th century. The dark lord has 'infected' history with time-devices that could damage history beyond repair. Flint and his father lived in the prehistoric when they got turned into fossils. They are discovered and Flint gets turned back to his original state. With the help of his father, a boy Tony and a girl Sara he has to travel trough time to bring the time-devices back to the land of time so history will be saved.