
原名:他們在島嶼寫作:願未央   又名:愿未央 / Unfulfilled Dreams

状态:35播放   更新:2023-09-03 10:09:30

微风吹进朴旧的书房,父母共同写作的画面历历在目,朱家三姊妹翻出相簿及笔记,以子女的亲密眼光,看见小说家朱西宁与翻译家刘慕沙。 来台的日记,泛黄老旧的合影,日常点滴刻划出不为外人所知的台湾文学私史。一本本经典作品,挖掘出深层的回忆,〈铁浆〉的稿费买了冰箱 ,〈八二三注〉成为了家用的计算纸,而未完成的遗世之作〈华太平家传〉,则成了朱家未竟的最大愿望。 天文首次执导,以影像撰写两个台湾文坛代表的生命历程。走访台湾旧居,远赴中国探亲,丰富的家庭史料及私密的亲友交谈,言语间文坛巨擘俯拾拾即是。在身为作家及女儿的双重认同 中,让文学的传承跨越三代,累加加上文学朱家的时代叠影。Seen from a daughter's point of view, Chu Tien-wen turns her parents' stories into a film after having found her father's diary that documents his journey from Nanking in China all the way to Tainan in Taiwan in 1949. Moreover, Chu comes across her mother's notes on her experience of growing up in a doctor's family in Miaoli as well as the 120 love letters exchanged between her parents.
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