
原名:ランウェイで笑って   又名:请在伸展台上微笑

状态:12集全   更新:2023-09-03 11:09:12

拼上自己的一切闪耀吧!全世界的目光都将注视着你——梦想是巴黎COLLECTION的少女,身高却停滞在158CM,矮子不配拥有世界名模梦吗?可是,少女却是一个宁愿花去一生,也绝不放弃梦想的人……Fujito Chiyuki has a dream: to become a Paris Collection model. The problem is, she's too short to be a model, and everyone around her tells her so. But no matter what they say, she won't give up. Her classmate, a poor student named Tsumura Ikuto, also has a dream: to become a fashion designer. One day Chiyuki tells him that it's "probably impossible" for him, causing him to consider giving it up - ?. This is the story of two individuals wholeheartedly chasing after their dreams in spite of all the negativity that comes after them.
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