
原名:Of Time and the City   又名:城市流光 / 彼时,彼城

状态:超清   更新:2023-09-07 01:09:27

利物浦,披头四的故乡,也是导演特伦斯·戴维斯的出生地,这是他写给这座城市的情歌与挽歌,弥漫着浓浓的乡愁,呈现出这城市曾经的模样。特伦斯·戴维斯回到家乡拍摄这部纪录片,捕捉时间在城市身上施给的魔法,用珍贵影像回溯这个城市的历史,绝佳的音乐选用、诗意念白和惆怅影像,堪称近年独特而感性的风格化纪录片。Terence Davies (1945- ), filmmaker and writer, takes us, sometimes obliquely, to his childhood and youth in Liverpool. He's born Catholic and poor; later he rejects religion. He discovers homo-eroticism, and it's tinged with Catholic guilt. Enjoying pop music gives way to a teenage love of Mahler and Wagner. Using archival footage, we take a ferry to a day on the beach. Postwar prosperity brings some positive change, but its concrete architecture is dispiriting. Contemporary colors and sights of children playing may balance out the presence of unemployment and persistent poverty. Davies' narration is a mix of his own reflections and the poems and prose of others.
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