
原名:Salamandra   又名:

状态:15播放   更新:2023-06-17 07:06:47

即使受傷,火蜥蜴仍有能力自我療癒,浴火重生。才剛識字的印帝,從未想過媽媽的出現,竟讓無憂生活產生重大轉變。他被媽媽帶到嬉皮的化外之地-巴塔哥尼亞谷地,展開自由新生活。沒想到裡頭盡是雜交、吸毒、狂歡,印帝睜著驚惶雙眼張看著這荒唐的成人世界,他必須絕地求生!童星強悍的精湛演技,更添影片批判力道,令人讚嘆。Argentina during military dictatorship in the early 80s: Hoping for a new life after being released from prison, Alba takes her six-year-old son Inti with her to a remote hippie village in the foothills of the Andes. She settles in the house of a deceased physician and indulges in marijuana and free love. Inti, looking for support, and the other children in the community are on their own. Finally, Alba no longer endures the wild, chaotic life in the community. She emerges a small cabin without water and electricity. Threatened and humiliated by local peasant children, mother and son try to establish themselves under simplest conditions and make a new life for themselves.
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