
原名:   又名:魔法使的条件:夏日的天空

状态:12集全   更新:2024-02-05 11:02:07

故事的舞台在现代的东京。在这个世界中魔法使的存在被认为是很普通的事情。只要通过正式的办理手续,谁都可以成为拥有魔法的魔法使。虽然如此,但它和我们所住的世界还是没什么区别的。电视、移动电话、电脑这些东西也都有,汽车也是靠汽油开动的.为了营造画面真实感,片中的场景就像建筑广告,而熙来攘往的人群、电车,都与现实世界无二Get ready for a second magical journey to the world of Someday's Dreamers, where spell-casting is a profession that requires both the proper training AND a license. It's to get that license and fulfill a promise made to her late father that young Sora Suzuki has made the long journey from her distant home in the countryside town of Biei to the big city of Tokyo. It's a daunting challenge, but she's got a little bit of talent, a charming personality and, most important of all, the promise of an internship. What she ISN'T expecting, though, is how different life in the city will be, especially the people themselves. While she gets along with the confident Asagi, Kuroda and the gentle Hiyori, she's completely confused with the mysterious boy Gouta. And yet, as a result of their internships they keep ending up in the same situations and slowly learning to understand more about each other than they ever imagined possible.