
原名:Mickey's Orphans   又名:

状态:9播放   更新:2023-06-17 03:06:34

圣诞前夜,大雪纷飞。颂歌在空气中飘扬,家家户户沉浸在节日的喜庆之中。可是并非所有人都是这般的幸福,一个将全身裹得紧紧的人在雪中艰难前行,他来到一户人家的窗前。这是米奇(沃尔特·迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)和米妮(玛西丽特·加纳 Marcellite Garner 配音)的家。米妮幸福地唱着《Silent Night》,米奇在旁边装饰着圣诞树,布鲁托则在一旁睡觉。门外的人将一个篮子放在门口,敲响门铃后迅速离开。   米奇打开门,发现篮子里有一只嗷嗷待哺的小猫。当他和米妮为这个突然而来的小孤儿感到惊喜时,谁曾想篮子里竟有数十只的小猫,他们将米奇的家中闹得天翻地覆,欢乐的圣诞夜聚会就此开始……Christmas; Mickey and Minnie are singing carols. Someone drops a basket on the doorstep that has what seems like hundreds of kittens; they quickly overrun the house. Mickey dresses as Santa, with Pluto as a reindeer, and brings gifts for the kittens. The kittens form a marching band, using kitchen implements; other kittens take saws, hammers, and other tools to the furniture. A kitten uses his toy steam shovel to drop a hot coal down Mickey's pants; two more come up with a toy fire engine. Mickey unveils the tree; the kittens swarm over it and strip it bare.
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