
原名:惡魔在身邊   又名:恶魔在身边 / Devil beside you

状态:全20集   更新:2024-02-05 11:02:12

齐悦一直暗恋着篮球队队长源伊,终于在姊妹淘的鼓励下决定告白,谁知告白时因为紧张过度,错把情书交给了大一的新生──江猛,也开始了她挥之不去的恶梦。   齐悦因为出糗仓皇逃离现场,没有发现重要的情书遗失,江猛也以此要胁要齐悦成为他的「仆人」,齐悦成了江猛的小跟班,平时上课要帮江猛抄笔记之外,只要有任何需要,齐悦都必须完成主人的任何要求。源伊温柔的鼓励下,齐悦终于下定决心要彻底摆脱恶魔江猛的纠缠。谁知道,齐悦的情书居然被公布在布告栏上!羞愤的齐悦不顾一切的杀去找江猛算帐,江猛却表示自己从没有得不到的东西。看着江猛的眼神,不安渐渐袭上齐悦心头……   在齐悦诸事不顺的同时,齐悦的母亲雪薇找到了属于她的真命天子,而这个齐悦未来的父亲不是别人,正是江猛的父亲兼学校理事长江友晖!更糟糕的是,在江猛天使笑容的「欺骗」下,他成了篮球社的一员,而齐悦,成了篮球社经理……Devil Beside You, originally a Japanese manga turned Taiwanese drama, basically revolves around a typical love triangle. When Qi Yue's attempt to tell her crush, Yuan Yi, how she really feels falters, her world turns upside down as she becomes tormented by the school's Prince, Ah Meng, who ends up with the letter of her confession. Known for his devilish ways, Ah Meng always gets his way and he only desires Qi Yue. Qi Yue breaks through his hard exterior and falls in love with the devil. Unfortunately, fate doesn't agree on their union when they find out that they are soon to be step-siblings.