
原名:1006的房客   又名:Meet Me @1006

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-05 11:02:31

柯震宇(李国毅 饰)是一名经验非常丰富的律师,在他巧舌如簧的辩论之下,很多委托人都得以洗清了身上的罪名。因为在业界备受推崇,柯震宇的性格变得非常的冷酷和高傲,无形之中得罪了很多人。终于,在一场审判中,柯震宇被检察官慕思明(谢坤达 饰)起诉伪造证据,最终,罪名成立的柯震宇被永远驱逐出了律师界。   身败名裂的柯震宇无奈之下搬进了一间破旧的小公寓中,让他没想到的是,这里竟然发生了完全超出他逻辑感知的事情。每天10点06分,柯震宇的屋子里都会凭空多出一个女房客,这个女房客会在10点52分准时消失。这一切究竟是怎么回事?难道是闹鬼了吗?Former top criminal defense lawyer Ko Chen-Yu (Lego Lee) is accused by the prosecutor of fabricating evidence in the trial of a judo gold medal coach. Fallen from grace and now living in a run-down apartment block, Ko is perplexed when a mysterious woman starts to appear in his apartment every night at exactly 10:06 pm. Ko later discovers that the woman Cheng Chia-Le (Nikki Hsieh) was the tenant of his apartment four months ago. For reasons unbeknownst to him, his apartment in the present merges with Cheng's from four months in the past each night, between 10:06 and 10:52 pm. At rock bottom, Ko hopes that Cheng can be of some use to him in turning his life around.
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