
原名:A martfüi rém   又名:Strangled

状态:正片   更新:2024-02-05 11:02:54

基于真实改编。本片发生在1960年代的匈牙利,以系列残暴凶杀而出名的小镇马特福。真凶被缉拿归案7年后,凶杀再次降临小镇,手法如出一辙,是误判还是效仿?本片中的社会主义国家匈牙利,存在令人窒息的社会、政治和心理博弈,当局者很快发现自己陷入了错综复杂的阴谋和令人不安的戏剧网络中。Based on real-life events, this psycho-thriller is set in the provincial Hungary of the 1960s, when a series of atrocious murders shock the small town of Martfü. A psychotic killer is on the prowl, who continues to slaughter young women while an innocent man is wrongly accused and sentenced for crimes he could never have committed. A determined detective arrives on the scene and soon becomes obsessed with the case while under pressure from the prosecutor to see a man hang. Stuck in the suffocating social, political and psychological world of socialist Hungary, we soon find ourselves entangled in a web of intricate conspiracy and disturbing drama.
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