乐高星球大战:任我建历险记 第一季

原名:Lego Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventure   又名:

状态:122播放   更新:2024-05-12 10:05:28

这部动画片的时间设置在《帝国反击战》和《绝地归来》之间,主角是任我建家族(The Freemakers)。这家人是拾荒者,在银河系各地的太空战废墟中回收各类残骸,然后用它们建造新飞船,再把飞船转卖出售。有一次,这家人中最年轻的成员通过凯伯水晶(Kyber Saber)发现自己是原力敏感者。他们的生活遂发生天翻地覆的变化。任我建家族被卷入了反抗帝国、为银河系带来和平与自由的史诗大战中。他们探访新的世界,结识新老朋友,体会到一个家庭的真正价值。   与《乐高星球大战》的所有其它作品一样,《任我建历险记》不是正史。The series stars the Freemakers, a family of scavengers who build and sell starships from the scoured debris of space battles strewn throughout the galaxy. When their youngest discovers a natural connection with the Force through an ancient artifact . The Kyber Saber, his world is turned upside down, and he and his family are thrown into an epic struggle against the Empire to restore peace and freedom to the galaxy. Throughout their adventures, the Freemakers explore new worlds, meet new and familiar characters, and learn the true value of what it means to be a family.
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