
原名:WWW.WORKING!!   又名:Web版 迷糊餐厅

状态:13集全   更新:2024-02-05 11:02:50

东田大辅(中村悠一 配音)是一位平凡不起眼的男子,因为家境实在贫困,于是不得不来到一间家庭餐厅打工以维持生计。东田虽然其貌不扬,却有着十分认真踏实的性格,因此深受上司和后辈的信赖。然而没过多久,东田就发现,这间看似普通的餐厅,其实有着非常大的问题。   工作出色的女高中生领班宫越华(户松遥 配音)、活泼开朗的千金大小姐镰仓志保(雨宫天 配音)、浑身散发着魅力的轻浮男公关进藤祐太(小野贤章 配音)、沉默寡言拥有着超强灵能力的村主小百合(日笠阳子 配音),餐厅里唯一的正常人足立正广(内山昂辉 配音),在这些人的围绕下,东田会迎来怎样的打工生活呢?A boy named Daisuke Higashida a serious first class student going to Higashizaka High school and lives a quite life. That is not because of his family which he hates its just a character trade. The story begins when his father's company got bankrupt and he had to start a job so he started working at a cafe. This was not a regular cafe not because of the looks but because of the people who work there. And so he finds himself beteen a rock and a hard place and has to work with his co-workers as much as he hates them and at the same time learn more about them and more about himself