
原名:モンスター娘のいる日常   又名:魔物娘的相伴日常 / Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou

状态:已完结   更新:2023-09-07 01:09:56

这是一个魔物和人类共存的世界,长久以来,魔物们都隐藏在黑暗中不被人类知晓,然而,“种族间交流法案”的颁布和实施让这个初看有些可怕但实际上人畜无害的种族走出了幕后,走入了人类社会。   来留主公人(间岛淳司 配音)是一个性格温吞没有坏心眼的平凡男子,法案的颁布彻底改变了他平淡的生活。活泼开朗大大咧咧的半蛇人米亚(雨宫天 配音)、个性呆萌整日里迷迷糊糊的鹰身人帕皮(小泽亚李 配音)、高贵典雅重情重义的人马珊卓雷雅(相川奈都姬 配音)、存在感微弱有着双重性格的史莱姆族丝(野村真悠华 配音),这些可爱的人魔娘们接二连三的光临来留的家中,充满了欢笑的同居生活就此拉开序幕。In a world where humans co-exist with fantasy beings, an exchange program is created to enable the mythic beings to make a place for themselves within human society. As a part of this program, the young teenager Kurusu Kimihito must share his flat with a group of mythic young ladies: the snake girl Miia, the bird girl Papi, the horse lady Centorea, and many others. It's now Kurusu's duty to watch over all these girls and see they cause no trouble - but all these girls have fallen in love with Kurusu and will do anything to be with him.