
原名:Lobos sucios   又名:Dirty Wolves

状态:117播放   更新:2023-09-03 12:09:20

真實事件改編,1942年,單親媽媽瑪奴拉在加里西亞的納粹礦坑工作,同盟勢力竭盡所能阻止德國工廠取得重要金屬。瑪奴拉的妹妹坎德拉幫助一名猶太囚犯越過邊界到葡萄牙,姐妹倆因此陷入一場權力遊戲,迫使她們在正義感及生命危險之間選邊站。哥雅奬得主瑪莉安阿瓦雷茲主演1944. In a Spain impoverished and almost annihilated by the Civil War, Manuela and Candela are two completely different sisters who live in a little town of the deep Galicia. Meanwhile Manuela just wanna live in peace and heal to her sick and little daughter Alba, her younger sister Candela steals little amounts of the wolfram (a mineral used in Second World War for tanks and fire weapons) she extracts in a mine to shell it in the black market, trying to get money. In addition, she helps Bryan, an English agent of British Intelligence living secretly in the town, in an attempt to close the mine used by the Nazis with General Franco's permission, to move all wolfram they can reunite to Germany, in order to expand their weaponry. Reluctant, Manuela collaborates with Candela to contact a former guerrilla called Miguel Peña to organize the mine workers (all them Franco's prisoners from the Civil War, condemned to penal servitude to avoid being executed) to cave a secret tunnel to steal ...
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