
原名:1000 to 1: The Cory Weissman Story   又名:冠军之心

状态:HD   更新:2024-02-05 12:02:53

电影根据真实故事改编。在高中的科里是出了名的打篮球的高手,他在高中创下自己进球1000分的传奇。他的梦想是将来成为一名出色的篮球运动员,在大学继续自己的爱好。但是在大一,有一次跟自己的好友波普斯在健身房锻炼的时候出现中风,导致自己一度陷入生命危险,更别说继续自己的篮球梦。接下来科里度过了自己人生中最艰难的日子。随着成为残疾人,深爱的女友因为这行疾病和他提出分手,但这一切并没有打倒科里。经过艰难的手术治疗和康复训练,科里仍旧决定回到学校的篮球队,继续自己的篮球梦。在家人、好友的支持下,科里最后能重返球场,在比赛结束的最后20秒投进一球。比赛结束后,科里决定以此来激励自己,并且激励那些有身体残疾的人。Cory Weissman was a high school basketball star who scored 1,000 points and was expected to be a standout athlete at Gettysburg College. Cory is an upbeat, hard-working freshman getting ready to take over as point guard but, at the beginning of his sophomore year, he suffers a catastrophic stroke. Only quick action by his best friend "Pops" and a race to save his life in the athletic training room prevent him from dying. The film chronicles Cory's against-all-odds comeback from this life-threatening stroke with the help of his mother Tina, a physical therapist, as well as the encouragement of both his dedicated basketball coach and his girlfriend, who loves Cory just the way he is. Despite the many challenges he faces--the difficult physical therapy, an emotional break-up with the girl he loves, and dark moments that threaten to consume him--Cory prevails, with the love and support of his best friend, his family, his school and, most importantly, his own indomitable spirit.
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