
原名:널 기다리며   又名:父仇者(台) / Missing You

状态:正片   更新:2024-02-05 12:02:18

熙朱(沈恩京 饰)的父亲死在了连环杀人犯基范(金圣武 饰)的屠刀之下,这残酷的一幕被当时只有七岁的熙朱尽收眼底,虽然一晃眼很多年过去,但当时的一幕幕和凶手穷凶极恶的模样依旧时时出现在熙朱的眼前。尽管基范最终受到了法律的制裁被关入了大牢,但这并不足以消解盘踞在熙朱心头的仇恨。   十五年后,基范的刑期已满重获自由,而熙朱也长大成人,开始了她的复仇计划,她决心手刃仇人替父亲报仇。然而,基范天性邪恶狡诈,缺乏经验的熙朱很可能复仇不成,反而成为其手下冤魂。这些年来,刑警大英(尹济文 饰)一直照顾着无依无靠的熙朱,如今,和当年相似的连环杀人案件再度发生,他亦展开了对于凶手的追击。Missing You is a 2016 South Korean revenge thriller film written and directed by Mo Hong-jin. It was released in South Korea on March 10, 2016. A little girl named Hee-ju who lost her father to a serial killer named Ki-bum 15 years ago awaits for his release. Ki-bum is released from prison after serving his sentence. Dae-young, a detective follows Ki-bum closely as he remains suspicious of the ex-con. A serial killer who has been waiting for his freedom, a detective who has been waiting for the killer's release, and a little girl who has been waiting for something that remains a mystery. The three are intertwined in a chaotic relationship and are met with an unprecedented series of events.
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