
原名:ブレイドアンドソウル   又名:洪门剑灵传说 / Blade&Soul / 블레이드 앤 소울

状态:13集全/已完结   更新:2023-09-07 01:09:20

女剑士Aruka身怀高超的剑术,以敏捷的身手消灭任何一个阻挡在她面前的敌人。洪师父的死,让她开始了这场“命中注定的复仇”。   洪师父的仇人,是一位名叫秦义绝的魔女,她冷酷无情,杀人如麻,能随意掌控神秘的魔力——浊气。Aruka从小就被“剑刃一族”抚养长大,这个由杀手组成的组织抹杀了Aruka的感情,把她培养成了一个杀人机器,唯一的使命就是完成“工作”。若是说起无情,Aruka和秦义绝两人倒也不分上下。   在旅途中,Aruka遇到了三位女杰。擅长歌舞与武术的秋湘玉,嗜酒的枪械师陈苏儿,盗贼团女头领花无痕。三人被奇妙的姻缘牵在一起,历经磨难,最终领悟了洪师父所说的洪门之路。   洪门之路究竟为何?阿鲁卡的人生,又会有怎样的变化?Alka is an assassin for the Clan of the Sword. She's on a journey to find the woman Jin Valel, who killed her master Hon. Jin is demon-like woman who controls the Energy of Chaos and kills without feeling - not unlike how Alka has learned to kill in her work as an assassin. On her journey, Alka encounters three strange women, each great warriors in their own right, and grapples with her slain master's wish that she leave the life of an assassin behind.
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