
原名:两个人的房间   又名:Two People Under the Same Roof

状态:HD   更新:2024-02-05 10:02:42

当年在内蒙古茫茫草原,荒唐的时代让两个人的心越走越近,接受改造的右派朱为(朱时茂 饰)逃荒来此的川妹子林萧(丛珊 饰)谱写了一段让人难忘的爱情佳话。经过几十年的打拼,朱为成为一名成功的心理医师,林萧则成为受人尊敬的瑜伽教练,两人的生活愈加优渥。但在快节奏的生活节奏下,朱为一心扑在自己的事业上,夫妻间鲜少交流,他们的爱情渐渐出现问题。   正当林萧倍感寂寞之时,一名拳击陪练(巫启贤 饰)适时走入她的生活。陪练的殷切让林萧感受到久违的温暖,这也促使她结束名存实亡的婚姻。夫妻俩先是分居,之后协议离婚,但他们却遗失了那张结婚证……Zhu We is a psychologist who is always bound up with work and his patients. His wife, Lin Xiao, is a nutrition consultant who works in a foreign company. She enjoys a high quality life. On the 20th anniversary of their marriage, Lin fully expected a surprise from her husband, but Zhu was so busy with his work that he totally forgot their anniversary. This greatly aggravated Lin Xiao beyond her breaking point, so she decided to divorce Zhu. After signing the divorce agreement, their home was divided into two parts, with Zhu and Lin living their own life, with no interference in each other's affairs. This situation continued day after day until Zhu contracted an incurable disease.
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