
未知 日本  1997  日语 

原名:ギフト   又名:礼物 / Gift

状态:12集全   更新:2024-02-05 12:02:17

三年前,议员岸和田连同高达51亿日元的巨款一起消失无踪。岸和田的情人兼同谋者腰越奈绪美(室井滋 饰)匆匆赶来,仅在房间内发现了一个全身是血失去意识的青年。三年后,奈绪美经营的人才派送公司有声有色,而她手下最得力干将早坂由纪夫(木村拓哉 饰)正是当年那个血泊中的青年。由纪夫自从那次事件后就失去了记忆,他被别有用心的奈绪美所收留,连这个名字都是对方给起的。由纪夫拥有极高的耐力和飞快的速度,他总能以媲美与奥运选手的效率送达包裹。在他身边,妖艳性感的秋山千明(筱原凉子 饰)甜言蜜语,她肩负着奈绪美的嘱托监视着由纪夫是否恢复了记忆。   在这一过程中,由纪夫的身世之谜和51亿日元的下落逐渐浮出水面……Naomi, a middle-aged woman, goes to a house to meet her boyfriend with whom she had planned to skip the country, along with 50 billion yen in cash. When she gets to the house, there is no boyfriend, no money and a trail of blood leading to a closet. Opening the closet causes this nude, blood covered body to come falling out. She gets the young man into a hospital to revive him in hopes he can tell her where the boyfriend and the money went, but the guy from the closet has lost his memory. She gives him a new identity, calling him Yukio, and then employs him as a courier at her company to keep track of him in case he ever recovers his memory. As he works for Naomi, Yukio slowly discovers who he was and what has led him to the man he is now.