和许多美国的年轻人一样,雪莉(凯瑟琳·沃特斯顿 Katherine Waterston 饰)得靠自己的劳动赚取学费。一次工作中,漂亮的雪莉居然被雇主贝尔德兰(约翰·雷吉扎莫 John Leguizamo 饰)吻了。为了安慰和补偿雪莉,贝尔德兰给了雪莉更多的报酬,而从此之中,精明的雪莉看出了商机。   为了获取更多的利益,雪莉和开始了和雇主之间的不道德的交往,不仅如此,她还鼓动了亦有此意的同学和伙伴“入行”,并且靠牵线搭桥收取佣金。而正当雪莉的“事业”经营的风生水起之时,麻烦也不期而至。雪莉暗恋着的男生发现了雪莉的秘密并为之不齿,同时,雪莉手下的“雇员”们也渐渐的脱离了这位雇主的掌控开始私下接活,站在道德和利益的交叉口,雪莉会做出怎样的选择呢?At 17, high-school junior Shirley Lyner is thinking about college and running a babysitting service that provides teen call girls to the dads of young children. In a long flashback, we see what brought her from being a babysitter to organizing and running the service. It starts with Michael, the father of children she baby-sits. A cup of coffee on the way home from his house, a night visit to a train yard, and one thing leads to another. Shirley can be ruthless, and tension builds when some of the clients take the girls to a mountain cabin and bring drugs. Then, one of the girls tries to freelance. Can this end well: is it a tragedy in the making? Do we all have secrets?
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