
原名:ONE PIECE THE MOVIE デッドエンドの冒険   又名:One Piece: Dead End no Bouken

状态:正片   更新:2024-02-05 12:02:31

曾经潇洒快活的草帽海贼团,如今因为路飞的大胃口也过上了入不敷出的拮据日子。迫于生计,他们求助于酒吧老板。而老板则指引他们走入一条深不见底的隧道。为了糊口,众人不顾死活向洞穴深处走去。到了尽头,他们来到一个空间甚为开阔的场所,这里云集了无数的海盗团伙。原来,近期正要举行海盗大赛。所谓海盗大赛,是几年才会举行的海盗王者的航行比赛,优胜者将有丰厚的奖金,与之相伴则是莫大的生命危险。巨额的奖金让路飞等人忘记危险,他们毅然报名参加。本次比赛不仅有巨人族、鱼人族,还有头号种子选手——令人望而生畏的加斯帕迪。这势必是一场精彩刺激的海盗大对决……It was a quite night at the harbor of Anabaru. Luffy continuously ordered meals, right when the crew is in need for more money. Nami overhears a conversation between a pirate & the bar tender at the bar they're at. About a way in getting more money, the pirate gave him 200 Belli and was lead secretly out of the bar. So Nami talks to the bar tender, about their money problem. The bar tender knows that they are a group of pirates, but isn't sure if a group of amateurs like them would be eligible on the secret spot. Since Nami insisted by giving the bar tender, 200 Belli, he directed them to the back of the bar on where the secret spot is. Soon they find themselves in an underground pirate community where pirates of all kind are partying, drinking, eating, and socializing. That's when our heroes learn about the "Dead End Race" which is held every few years here in Anabaru. With the grand prize being 300,000,000 Belli, Nami finds that to be more than enough to end the Straw Hat Pirates money trouble. But little do they know is that the whole race is a conspiracy, that's linked to an ex-marine commander pirate named Gasparde who has a 95,000,000 Belli bounty on his head. And not to mention Shuraiya, a bounty hunter with a grudge against Gasparde. And a kid named Anaguma, who is the helper of Biera(the boiler room operator for Gasparde's ship) is trying to find a way to help Biera get better from his poor condition. All these events collide as the "Dead End Race" begins.
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