
原名:屋顶上的绿宝石   又名:

状态:全30集   更新:2024-02-04 11:02:59

周念中(霍建华 饰)与聂凯(胡宇崴 饰)是从小一起玩大的兄弟,虽无血缘关系,但感情胜过亲手足,随着女孩莫家琦(孙俪 饰)的出现,俩人之间的关系变得微妙起来。家琦父亲临终前,留给妻子和女儿各一条绿宝石项链。情窦初开的家琦爱上了念中,想在24节气中白露这一天用绿宝石项链向他表白,不料念中顾忌兄弟之情选择了逃避。在外经历一场大的波折之后,他后悔自己当初选择逃避,待下决心向家琦表白时为时已晚,他看到了最不愿看到的一幕,聂凯正向家琦表达爱慕。万念惧灰的念中接受碧云提议,去海外留学。在英国,他因搭救刁蛮任性的凌佩妤(姚采颖 饰)而被她收留。时光荏冉,佩妤对念中产生好感,但念中始终不能释怀的仍是远在海南的家琦......In this modern day retelling of Shakespeare's ROMEO AND JULIET, Zhou Nian Zhong (Wallace Huo) and Mo Jia Qi (Betty Sun) fall in love with each other against their respective families' wishes. After countless struggles, Mo Jia Qi is forced to leave with another man as Zhou Nian Zhong gives in to his step father's demand to an arranged marriage. Before she leaves, however, Mo Jia Qi gave Zhou Nian Zhong a green ruby necklace as a testament of their feelings for each other. Eventually, the necklace will reunite the feuding families once again, as Mo Jia Qi and Zhou Nian Zhong vow to be together, even in death. EMERALD ON THE ROOF is an emotional tale about true love against all odds.
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