
原名:The Fire Fighters   又名:

状态:12播放   更新:2023-09-03 12:09:20

宁静的夜晚,四周鸦雀无声,而动物消防队的队员们则鼾声如雷。突然一幢楼房失火,刺耳警报声划过天空。睡梦中的消防员连忙起身,由米老鼠(Walt Disney 沃尔特•迪斯尼 音)驾驶的消防车载歌载舞冲向火场。   失火大楼摇摇欲倾,住户们用各种办法匆忙逃生。消防队终于赶到,但消防栓竟不出水,万般无奈的米老鼠只能用水桶一桶桶地接水,路上却还洒掉不少。迷妮(Marcellite Garner 饰)也被困在楼中,米老鼠不顾安危勇闯火场,急中生智,终于救出自己的女朋友。Mickey and others are firemen; they slide down an ostrich's neck when the alarm sounds. A squealing cat whose tail Mickey pulls acts as the siren. The nearest hydrant isn't working too well, so Horace Horsecollar takes drinks from a pond and uses that water to put out the fire. Minnie is trapped on an upper floor; Mickey climbs the neighboring building fire escape and uses a clothesline to cross to Minnie's building.
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