
原名:638 Ways to Kill Castro   又名:谋杀卡斯特罗的638种方法

状态:141播放   更新:2023-09-07 02:09:27

对于政治世界的阴谋和黑暗,所有的是非标准似乎都会过于武断,而唯一正确的做法或许就是留下声音,让时间做评判。   本片是一部英国纪录片,记录了千奇百怪的暗杀方式。这些暗杀都针对一个人——卡斯特罗。卡斯特罗是古巴领导人,他本人曾说自己在各国领导人中是遭暗杀威胁最多的一个。而根据费边·艾斯卡兰特,切·格瓦拉司令安全保卫的总管计算,这些由美国中央情报局在背后指使的暗杀有638次之多。In 1959, Fidel Castro overthrew the Fulgencio Batista led government of Cuba in a revolution. Soon afterward, the US government, alarmed at a communist nation so close to their shores, began working with Cuban exiles and dissenters to find some way to assassinate the new Cuban leader. This film covers some of the 638 alleged attempts to do so, the native collaborators involved and how Castro's security successfully frustrated them all. In addition, the film illustrates the tumultuous relations between the nations over the decades and the disreputable Cuban characters who are prepared to go to horrific extremes to achieve their political aims with US complicity.
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