
原名:Laughter in Paradise   又名:

状态:蓝光   更新:2024-02-04 10:02:12

一个名作家临终前立下遗嘱,给每人留了五万英镑,但是他们在获得继承权前,必须亲自完成一项不寻常的任务,如不能完成,将失去遗产继承权。为了得到这笔巨额的遗产,这些亲属都各自做了遗嘱定下的好事。他们任何人质疑遗嘱,所有遗嘱将会被没收,于是四人想方设法完成任务,为了他们梦寐以求的五万英镑……   本片被认为有着英国传统风格的喜剧片。故事在民间传说中就有,应该是源源流长的。属于惩恶扬善,教育醒世的类型。编剧和导演在构思上力求新颖,编导在表现各个继承人竭力去做对他们来说是难以做到的事情的过程中,穿插了许多就地取材产生的笑料。尽管头绪很多,但是故事条理线索仍较清楚。Famed practical joker Henry Russell leaves 50,000 pounds to each of his four surviving relatives. But his will has one last joke - they each have to undertake a task completely out of character within a month. As each sets out on their objective they find that quite apart from the promised riches, they are unexpectedly getting a lot out of the challenge. All except caddish Simon Russell, that is.
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