
原名:明日のナージャ   又名:明日之娜嘉 / 妮嘉寻亲记

状态:47播放   更新:2023-09-03 05:09:23

20世纪初的英国。孤儿院快乐长大的ナージャ,在满13岁的前几天,收到了一个包裹,里面有一件礼服及一本日记本…此外,也带来了母亲还活着的消息。 但是,接到包裹的那一天,孤儿院起了场大火,知道一切都是由於自己关系的ナージャ,决定提前离开,踏上了寻找母亲的旅程…   成为剧团ダンデライオン的舞者,一边跟着大家到处旅行,一边循着日记上的线索打听母亲的下落…   随着旅行的扩展…遇到了许多人、许多事… _   报社的兄弟、好心的商人、画家…以及在大火的晚上救了ナージャ的骑士-フランシス,「有一天,还会再见面吧…」ナージャ这样想着,展开了无限的旅程…   很久很久以前…大约一百年前…孤儿院长大的少女…面对命运之门而踏上旅程This story takes place about one hundred years ago. Nadja is a bright, cheerful girl who was raised in an orphanage near London, England. Nadja was entrusted to the orphanage when she was a baby. So she thought her father and mother were dead. But before her thirteenth birthday, she found out that her mother might be alive.. Nadja sets out on a journey to find her mother. With all of Europe as the stage, Nadja's exciting adventure begins.
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