福星小子1: 只有你

原名:うる星やつら オンリー・ユー   又名:福星小子剧场版1 / Urusei Yatsura 1: Onri yû / Urusei Yatsura 1: Only You

状态:46播放   更新:2023-09-03 11:09:54

阳光明媚的一天,友引市的居民们相继受到婚礼邀请函,但是男女主角令他们大为震惊。女方名叫埃儿,是某星球的女王,男方竟是那个宇宙最大花心男——诸星当。这一消息迅速在友引市流传,拉姆的支持者们对阿当进行严刑逼供,愤怒的拉姆更是大发雷霆,电光四射。殊不知一切源于十数年前,幼稚园时期的阿当游戏中踩到埃尔的影子,按照对方星球的规定,他在将来会成为埃儿星的驸马。为了营建心中理想的庞大后宫,阿当执意前往。而拉姆和她的朋友们也将展开一场夺回阿当的大作战……   本片根据漫画家高桥留美子的同名原作改编,是动画大师押井守首部剧场版动画。虽然高桥对该片颇多赞誉,但是押井守本人则认为此片是“完全失败之作,不过是一部大一点的电视动画片”。When everyone in town receives invitations to Ataru's wedding, they are shocked to see that his sweetheart Lum is not the bride. Eventually they learn that when Ataru was playing games as a little boy, he stepped on a girl's shadow. Unbeknownst to him, the girl was from extraterrestrial culture where stepping on one's shadow is a form of marriage proposal, and now she and her family have come back to see that Ataru keeps his promise. If he manages to get out of this without being killed by her folks, he'll still have to avoid being torn apart by the hands of Lum.
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