
原名:.45   又名:Kaliber 45

状态:HD   更新:2024-02-10 11:02:52

这是在纽约黑街地下社会所发生的一个情欲、黑暗的故事。一对亡命鸳鸯因女方不堪长期被施暴,设计了一个天衣无缝的美人计加以报复。施暴的男方终因谋杀罪名被捕。然而,执行谋杀任务的,却另有其人…   大艾尔(安格斯麦克菲恩饰演)一生面对多少凶恶的敌手,却抵不过他的枕边人:凯特(米拉乔沃维奇饰演)。本片中的大艾尔和凯特是一对亡命鸳鸯。他们用力的爱、用力狂欢,他们吵架时——这是常有的,你最好找掩护!   凯特是个让人销魂的女孩,任何人一见到她,立刻被她迷住。她知道怎么利用这个优势以获取利益。凯特爱大艾尔,也爱枪、爱勾引男人和女人,但她最爱的是危险……Kate and her brutish boyfriend Big Al sell handguns on the streets of New York. She's smart, stylish, and self-confident, but all that leaves her when Al, in a jealous and self-indulgent rage, beats her. Three friends encourage her recovery: Vic, a woman who would like to be Kate's lover; Reilly, who runs with Al but also is attracted to Kate and repulsed by Al's violence; and, Liz, the counselor assigned to Kate from a battered-women's program. Vic and Reilly talk about killing Al, Liz gives pep talks; Kate remains frightened. Will Al's menace and Kate's dependency hold sway?
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