
喜剧  美国   2006  英语   德语 

原名:Beerfest   又名:酒国英雄榜

状态:正片 下   更新:2024-02-05 06:02:58

一次偶然中,托德(艾瑞克·斯图汉斯克 Erik Stolhanske 饰)和简(保罗·索特 Paul Soter 饰)发现了一个历史悠久的地下节日竞技——啤酒节。不幸的是,当两人兴高采烈的准备参与到这场大狂欢之中时,一群怒气冲冲的远房亲戚出现并羞辱了他们,不仅如此,托德和简的差劲酒量让他们在比赛中一败涂地。   经历了双重失败的兄弟两并没有气馁,他们将复仇的冲动藏在心中,决定打道回府,苦练酒量,在下一届啤酒节上一雪前耻。在巴里(杰伊·钱德拉萨卡 Jay Chandrasekhar 饰)等“啤酒专家”的帮助下,托德和简以全面提高为目标开始了艰苦的训练,他们这看似十分不靠谱的训练能否取得成效呢?After the death of their grandfather Johann von Wolfhause, the brothers Jan and Todd Wolfhouse travel to Munich to fulfill a family tradition, spreading the ashes of Johann during the Oktoberfest. Their contact brings them to a secret beer competition, the Beerfest", where they are offended by Baron Wolfgang von Wolfhausen and the German branch of their family that accuse their great-grandmother of being a prostitute and their grandfather of stealing an old recipe of the best beer in Germany. Jan and Todd returns to USA humiliated and decide to organize a beer team to dispute the next Beerfest. They join Landfill, Barry and Fink and train long the year to participate in the competition. When they find the lost recipe hidden in a dummy, they feel that their German relatives told the truth. But the team is ready for the tough dispute.
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