
原名:모델   又名:模特 / Model

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-10 11:02:52

服装设计师庆琳(金南珠 饰)这天举报毕业服装秀,应邀而来的模特远钧(韩宰锡 饰)迟到了,庆琳在无可奈何之际准备将高大英俊的男观众李政(张东健 饰)拉去当临时模特。幸好关键时刻远钧赶到,服装秀终于顺利举行,服装秀过后,庆琳和李政都产生了当模特的想法。李政原来是国内服装商神话集团老板李祥钧的长孙,父亲死后母亲带着他避居美国,母亲自小就告诫他要向爷爷和叔叔报仇,这次,李政正是回国复仇的。   随后,李政、庆琳去应聘远钧所在的顶级模特公司,三人又不期而遇,由此成了好朋友。远钧爱上了庆琳,但远钧看出了庆琳其实心属李政,于是只好在一旁默默守候。李政发誓要打倒叔叔李彬,将神话集团抢回来,于是一系列明争暗斗展开了。Song Kyung-rin is a fashion designer but after Jo Won Joon refusal of being her model, she have a taste of being a model and decided to become a model. Lee Jung just returned to Korea from America and he have an interest in modeling. Through fate, Lee Jung help out Kyung-rin and they fall in love. But behind Lee Jung returning to Korea there is a big, deep, dark secret and a plan for revenge.
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