
原名:赤線地帯   又名:Akasen chitai / Street of Shame

状态:烟花巷红颜生活图景   更新:2024-02-05 03:02:25

20世纪50年代中期,日本国会即将推出禁止卖春的法律,这项决议在色情业繁荣的吉原引起巨大震动。   梦之里,是一家坐落在吉原的色情沙龙,几个有着不同遭遇的女人汇集于此。由里江(町田博子 饰)渴望平凡的主妇生活,但婚姻不顺,使得她往返吉原;花绘(木暮实千代 饰)为了给丈夫治病,照顾年幼的孩子,不得不一次次向路人献出笑脸;梦子(三有益爱子 饰)渴望走出吉原,和儿子住到一起,但儿子却以母亲为耻;阿休(若尾文子 饰)的父亲贪污入狱,需要巨额保释金,这个年轻貌美的女子为了钱财不惜一切代价;米奇(京マチ子 饰)生性叛逆,宁愿沦落风尘,也不想面对虚伪的父亲。这些女子因各种原因涉足烟花,为了遥不可及的幸福奋力挣扎……   本片为沟口健二遗作,获1956年威尼斯国际电影节金狮奖提名。Five prostitutes work at Dreamland, in Tokyo's Yoshiwara district. As the Diet considers a ban on prostitution, the women's daily dramas play out. Each has dreams and motivations. Hanae is married, her husband unemployed; they have a young child. Yumeko, a widow, uses her earnings to raise and support her son, who's now old enough to work and care for her. The aging Yorie has a man who wants to marry her. Yasumi saves money diligently to pay her debt and get out; she also has a suitor who wants to marry her, but she has other plans for him. Mickey seems the most devil-may-care, until her father comes from Kobe to bring her news of her family and ask her to come home.
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