
原名:弟切草   又名:Otogiriso

状态:537播放   更新:2023-09-07 01:09:50

就读于艺术学校的奈美(奥菜惠 饰)自幼由母亲养大,她的父亲名叫阶泽苍一,是一名伟大的画家,据说早年死于车祸。奈美20岁时母亲病故,于是她便成为一所古旧别墅的继承人。奈美直觉感到这幢别墅和童年时代的一个梦有关,于是约上好友公平(齐藤阳一郎 饰)一同前往。抵达目的地后,他们从神秘的管理员手里接过钥匙,随即进入别墅。这里阴森诡异、破败不堪,墙上挂满阶泽的名作。奈美和公平逐个房间查看,终于在最后一个房间发现一张照片,继而得知奈美还有一个名叫“直美”姐妹。不久后,他们又在书房的暗间找到了阶泽一幅失传的作品。古老疏离的别墅,究竟还隐藏着多少秘密……   本片根据1992年长坂秀佳的同名原著改编。Nami has been creating artwork for a new video game based on images she's been seeing in her dreams. With one of the game producers, she travels out to an abandoned house that seems to match her visions. As they explore the old mansion, Nami begins to have more visions of a forgotten childhood, until at last she comes across a photo of twin infants, labelled "Nami" and "Naomi". As Nami and the producer go from room to room, an unseen person seems to be watching them from a hidden room.
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