故事发生在1989年的德国,斯图加特郊区。此时正值柏林墙摇摇欲坠之际,雷艾伍德,一位陆军第三十七补给军营的战士,从长期在军队里形成的奴隶状态中苏醒,将注意力投向日益繁荣的网上黑市交易。这时一位新士官长(Scott Glenn)上任了,他明确宣布将整顿整个基地低迷的士气。艾伍德不在乎,他自信能搞定这个新官,并且爱上新官的女儿娜宾。然而一次偶然的机会,一批价值五百万的失窃军火从天而降落到了艾伍德的手中,他决定冒风险大赚一笔……1989. The Berlin Wall is about to fall, and the world is about to be made safe for the new world order. But outside of Stuttgart, West Germany, at Theodore Roosevelt Army Base, Specialist Ray Elwood of the 317th Supply Battalion is about to find his own cold war turn white hot. Elwood's a lovable rogue, a conscript who's managed to turn his military servitude into a blossoming network of black market deals, more out of boredom than ambition. Officially, there's his day job as battalion secretary to the inept but caring Commander Wallace Berman. On the side, there's everything from selling the locals stolen Mop'N'Glo to cooking heroin for the base's ruthless head of Military Police, Sgt. Saad. When a new top sergeant arrives, with the avowed intention of cleaning the base up, Elwood thinks the new blood is nothing he can't handle, especially after he lays eyes on the top's daughter, rebellious Robyn. But that was before he figured in the $5 million in stolen arms that just landed on his lap, Berman's jealous wife, an insane Turkish drug dealer, and, of course, the resulting lust, betrayal, and murder.
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