阿拉伯少年阿拉丁不仅拥有忠实的朋友猴子阿布的友谊,还拥有一条神奇的魔法飞毡,他们在闹市中过着无忧无虑的快乐生活。一天,城堡里的公主厌倦了无聊透顶的皇宫生活,决定独自一人偷跑出来见识外面的花花世界。偷跑出来的公主在闹市里遇到了阿拉丁,阿拉丁对她一见钟情。同一时候,邪恶国师企图利用阿拉丁帮助自己找到能实现愿望的神灯,阿拉丁当然不肯束手就擒,于是,他的冒险之旅开始了。Aladdin is a poor street urchin who spends his time stealing food from the marketplace in the city of Agrabah. His adventures begin when he meets a young girl who happens to be Princess Jasmine, who is forced to be married by her wacky yet estranged father. Aladdin's luck suddenly changes when he retrieves a magical lamp from the Cave of Wonders. What he unwittingly gets is a fun-loving genie who only wishes to have his freedom. Little do they know is that the Sultan's sinister advisor Jafar has his own plans for both Aladdin and the lamp.